วันอังคารที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2558

บทความอังกฤษ 2 ภาษา สุลาวัลย์ แสงกระจ่าง

                                                          Early Childhood Development

         Early Childhood Development A collaboration between child development centers with their parents. Childcare Teachers play a role as a liaison with parents. Awareness and the importance of child development. And encourage cooperation.
         The role of parents and teachers in child care.
To make the learning of the child and makes learning more meaningful to children. It can be linked to life at home. The role of teachers, child care and understand the development and differentiation of individual children because every child develops at a different teacher must have patience and do not compare with other children, including a warm love and discipline them. Children are well developed knowledge in every age. Rove fielded moral teaching requirements. Values ​​addition, some children tease my friends like self-biting. Teachers, child care, they must watch their behavior and do research to child development as well as cooperation of the parents.
         Good relationships between parents and teachers of children to lead. Learning to trust each other. Willingness to work together. Rearing children in the same direction. With a common goal to develop the child know that "cute boy" is in the home "Baby Love" is on at the school. Make children happy Emotional stability has not confuse the product of emotional maturity of a child is developing emotional maturity. The indirect parent

         Finally, the family is the cornerstone for the children. All the day Keep the love Understanding in cooperation with teachers, families and caregivers to develop further.

